What Green Tea Should I Drink To Lose Weight? – You Should Know

Green tea is one of the natural appetite suppressants that curbs hunger in a good manner. People who want to lose weight or maintain weight prefer green tea over other beverages. It is a healthy beverage you can add to your daily routine. It is also good for weight loss. But, what green tea should I drink to lose weight? It is a commonly asked question. Take a look at the type of tea so that you get the answer of ‘what green tea should I drink to lose weight’ question.


Green Tea For Weight Loss

Moroccan Mint Green Tea

It is diuretic and removes all toxins from your body. It makes you burn body fat. This mint green tea made up of freshly dried leaves and also low in calories. You can try the Moroccan mint green tea to lose weight.

Jasmine Green Tea

It is one of the most used green teas for weight loss. It is definitely an answer to the question ‘what green tea should I drink to lose weight’. This green tea is known to suppress appetite and reduce belly fat. Apart from losing weight, jasmine green tea offers many other health benefits as well.

Matcha Green Tea

It is made by grinding green tea leaves into powder form.  Match green tea promotes weight loss, improves exercise performance, boosts energy, improves the immune system, burns belly fat, and detox your body.

Sencha Green Tea

It is another green tea for people who ask ‘what green tea should I drink to lose weight’. It helps you lose weight. Sencha green tea is also good for overall health. It heals your heart, improves the immune system, beneficial for mental health, and also keeps you alert.

Dragonwell Green Tea

The dragonwell green tea is rich in antioxidants such as catechins. It also contains amino acids and vitamin C. This green tea is beneficial for weight loss and also improves your metabolic rate.

Green Tea Diet – 6 Days

Day 1

MealWhat To Eat
Early Morning1 cup green tea + 1 tablespoon lime juice
Breakfast2 boiled eggs + 1 cup fat-free milk + 4 soaked almonds
Pre-Lunch1 cup green tea
LunchOptionsChicken salad

Zoodles with olive oil and cherry tomatoes

Post-Lunch½ cup yogurt
Pre-Dinner1 cup green tea + 1 multigrain biscuit
DinnerOptions:Grilled salmon with tomato and asparagus

Mushroom clear soup

Day 2

MealWhat To Eat
Early Morning1 cup green tea with ½ teaspoon cinnamon powder
BreakfastOatmeal + 4 almonds + Watermelon juice
Pre-Lunch1 cup green tea
LunchOptionsGrilled chicken lettuce wrap

Broccoli, Spinach, and swiss chard salad with light dressing

Post-Lunch1 cup fruits
Pre-Dinner1 cup green tea + 1 saltine cracker
DinnerWheat pasta with zucchini, feta, and tomato

Day 3

MealWhat To Eat
Early Morning1 cup green tea with honey
BreakfastKale and cucumber smoothie + 4 almonds
Pre-Lunch1 cup green tea
Lunch1 cup fruits + 1 cup coconut water
Post-Lunch1 cup buttermilk
Pre-Dinner1 cup green tea + ¼ cup boiled corn with a dash of lime juice
DinnerOptionsChickpea stuffed bell pepper

Tuna salad

Day 4

MealWhat To Eat
Early Morning1 cup green tea
BreakfastQuinoa + 1 cup tomato juice
Pre-Lunch1 cup green tea
LunchOptionKidney bean chili

Grilled veggies and mackerel

Post-Lunch½ cup baby carrots
Pre-Dinner1 cup green tea
DinnerSpinach, shell pasta with broccoli, and olive oil

Day 5

MealWhat To Eat
Early MorningGreen tea with ½ teaspoon cinnamon
Breakfast1 banana + 2 almonds + scrambled eggs
Pre-Lunch1 cup green tea
LunchCucumber soup (without cream)
Post-Lunch1 cup watermelon
Pre-Dinner1 cup green + ½ cup unsalted popcorn
DinnerGrilled chicken/veggies with hummus

Day 6

MealWhat To Eat
Early MorningGreen tea with lime juice
BreakfastWheat pancakes + 1 cup pomegranate juice
Pre-Lunch1 cup green tea
LunchOptionsEgg and chicken burrito

Creamy sweet potato burrito

Post-Lunch4 strawberries dipped in dark chocolate
Pre-Dinner1 cup green tea
DinnerOptionsMashed potato stuffed chicken breast with sautéed veggies

+ Broccoli +  1 small scoop frozen yogurt+ parmesan casserole+ 1 small brownie
